Training Materials

Please read this first.
Educational Purposes
All trainings linked on this website are presented for educational purposes only. These trainings are approximate demonstrations of New Leaf work processes and standards. They are not exact guides for how to do your work.
Supervisor Instruction
Any and all instruction from New Leaf leads, supervisors, project managers, and administration takes priority over these training videos. If the video says one thing and your boss says another, follow your boss, not the video.
Voluntary Use
By accessing these trainings you are acknowledging that you are doing so of your own volition.
All trainings linked here, including those related to nutrition, sleep, and physical and mental health, are presented without endorsement and are not to take the place of professional guidance.

Annual Trainings
Annual Trainings - Safety
Intake Trainings - All employees

Operations Trainings
Customer Relations & Employee Conduct
Environmental Trainings
Floor Care Operations Trainings
Galley Operations Trainings
Green Cleaning Trainings
Grounds Operations Trainings - Small Equipment
Grounds Operations Trainings - Big Equipment
Janitorial / Custodial Operations Trainings
Shelf Stocking Operations Trainings